schumann resonance tesla human well being

The Schumann Resonance: A Phenomenon Warned by Nikola Tesla That Affects Our Well-being


In the world of science, certain phenomena have long fascinated researchers and intrigued the curious minds of the general public. The Schumann Resonance, a naturally occurring electromagnetic phenomenon surrounding our planet, is one such enigmatic subject that has garnered increased attention in recent times. This remarkable discovery was not only anticipated by the visionary inventor Nikola Tesla but it is also believed to have significant effects on human health and well-being. In this article, we will explore the fascinating world of the Schumann Resonance and its potential implications for our lives.

Understanding the Schumann Resonance

The Schumann Resonance refers to the global electromagnetic resonances that exist between the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere. In simpler terms, it is the result of energy waves trapped between the Earth’s surface and the ionized layers of the atmosphere. Named after physicist Winfried Otto Schumann, who mathematically predicted their existence in 1952, these resonances were later confirmed and measured by scientists in the early 1960s.

earth schumann resonance nikola tesla

The primary Schumann Resonance frequency hovers around 7.83 Hz, although there are several harmonics or frequencies that occur simultaneously. This specific frequency range has gained particular significance due to its potential impact on living organisms, including humans.

Nikola Tesla’s Anticipation

Interestingly, Nikola Tesla, the renowned inventor, electrical engineer, and futurist, predicted the existence and importance of the Schumann Resonance long before it was scientifically discovered. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Tesla conducted experiments with electricity and wireless transmission and expressed his belief that the Earth could be harnessed as a conductor of electrical energy. He postulated that Earth’s natural frequencies could be used to transmit electrical power globally without the need for wires.

Tesla’s visionary insight into the planet’s resonant frequencies laid the groundwork for future researchers and opened the door to understanding the profound interconnection between Earth’s electromagnetic environment and living organisms.

Resonance and Its Impact on Human Health

As research on the Schumann Resonance continues to evolve, scientists have started exploring its potential effects on human health. Some experts suggest that this natural frequency may have a vital role in maintaining biological harmony and well-being. It is hypothesized that living beings, having evolved on this planet amidst these frequencies, may have developed a biological attunement to the Earth’s resonance.

However, modern lifestyles, including widespread technological advancements, have somewhat disconnected humans from their natural environment. The extensive use of electronic devices and increasing exposure to artificial electromagnetic fields may disrupt this delicate balance and, in some cases, result in health issues.

The “Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity” (EHS) phenomenon has gained attention in recent years. Individuals experiencing EHS report various symptoms like headaches, fatigue, insomnia, and dizziness when exposed to electromagnetic fields. While more research is required to establish a direct link between EHS and Schumann Resonance, it highlights the importance of understanding and respecting the delicate electromagnetic equilibrium we inhabit.

Reconnecting with Nature

As we advance into an increasingly technologically driven era, it becomes imperative to recognize the significance of our connection to nature, including the Earth’s natural frequencies. Though conclusive evidence regarding the Schumann Resonance’s direct impact on human health is still emerging, the notion of grounding ourselves with our planet’s frequencies should not be overlooked.

Taking the time to immerse ourselves in natural environments, away from the hustle of modern life, may prove beneficial for our mental and physical well-being. Additionally, adopting practices that help minimize exposure to artificial electromagnetic fields, such as limiting screen time and using grounding techniques, could be beneficial.


The Schumann Resonance is a captivating phenomenon that has captured the attention of both scientists and those with an interest in the mysteries of the universe. With its deep-rooted connection to our planet’s electromagnetic environment and Nikola Tesla’s visionary insights, it holds the potential to unlock secrets about our own well-being and harmonious coexistence with nature.

As we continue to unveil the intricacies of this natural phenomenon, it is essential to strike a balance between technological advancements and our fundamental connection to Earth. By nurturing this connection, we may rediscover a more profound sense of harmony and well-being in our lives. Embracing the wisdom of the past and the possibilities of the future, we can embark on a journey of discovery that bridges the gap between humanity and the cosmic forces that surround us.

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