Nikola Tesla Smartphone Prediction 1927

Nikola Tesla’s Astounding Prediction: The Smartphone Envisioned in 1927


In the realm of visionary inventors and futurists, Nikola Tesla stands as one of the most remarkable figures in history. Revered for his groundbreaking contributions to electricity and wireless communication, Tesla’s genius has left an indelible mark on modern technology. However, recent revelations have unveiled an even more astonishing aspect of his legacy – a seemingly prophetic prediction made by Tesla himself back in 1927. In a recently surfaced video, the enigmatic inventor appears to describe a device remarkably similar to the ubiquitous smartphone of today, raising profound questions about the nature of innovation and the true extent of Tesla’s foresight.

The Unearthed Video:

The video, discovered in a hidden archive and shared by UFO Spain, depicts Tesla in an intimate conversation with a group of admirers. In this candid moment, Tesla expounds on his vision of a “personal pocket-sized device that can access vast amounts of information, communicate with others wirelessly, and even capture images and sounds.” While the video quality is grainy and the audio occasionally unclear, Tesla’s words resonate eerily with the functionality of today’s smartphones.

Nikola Tesla Smartphone Prophetic Vision

Parallel to Modern Smartphones:

Tesla’s description aligns surprisingly well with the present-day smartphone’s capabilities. First, he speaks of a compact device that can be conveniently carried in one’s pocket – a fundamental characteristic of today’s smartphones. Moreover, Tesla alludes to the device’s potential to tap into extensive knowledge repositories, akin to the vast sea of information accessible through the internet and search engines on contemporary smartphones.

The wireless communication aspect of Tesla’s prediction also mirrors the ubiquitous wireless connectivity we enjoy today. Smartphones enable us to stay connected with others, make calls, send messages, and access the internet via various wireless technologies like Wi-Fi and cellular networks.

Additionally, Tesla’s description hints at the smartphone’s ability to capture images and sounds, resembling the integrated cameras and voice recording features we now take for granted. The similarity between Tesla’s prediction and our current reality is so striking that it has sparked discussions among tech enthusiasts and historians alike.

The Enigma of Tesla’s Predictive Abilities:

Nikola Tesla was renowned for his forward-thinking ideas, but the extent of his prescience has long been a topic of debate. While some attribute his visionary concepts to his exceptional intellect and scientific insights, others speculate that Tesla might have had access to obscure knowledge or possibly even glimpses of the future.

Some theorists argue that Tesla’s innovative mind allowed him to foresee technological advancements that were beyond the grasp of his contemporaries. He envisioned a world powered by wireless electricity, anticipated the potential of harnessing solar energy, and even speculated on the feasibility of communication with extraterrestrial civilizations. Could Tesla’s prediction of the smartphone be yet another manifestation of his remarkable foresight?

Unraveling the Mystery:

As captivating as the notion of Tesla’s predictive abilities may be, it is crucial to approach this discovery with skepticism. The video’s authenticity is yet to be conclusively verified, and there might be alternative explanations for the striking similarities between Tesla’s description and today’s smartphones.

It is possible that the video has been misinterpreted, or that Tesla was discussing a theoretical concept rather than a concrete prediction. The enigmatic nature of Tesla’s persona often leads to speculative interpretations of his words and actions, adding to the complexity of unraveling this mystery.


Nikola Tesla’s contributions to science and technology have long been a source of inspiration, and the recent emergence of the alleged video predicting the smartphone has only deepened the fascination surrounding his legacy. While the idea of Tesla foreseeing the smartphone’s development is enticing, it is essential to approach such claims with a critical mind.

As we continue to explore the frontiers of innovation and technological progress, let us remember that genius, like Tesla’s, can sometimes blur the lines between the possible and the improbable. Whether or not Tesla truly prophesized the smartphone, his remarkable ideas continue to shape the world we live in today, reminding us that the future often lies in the hands of those who dare to dream beyond the boundaries of convention.

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