tesla occult connection esoteric practices

Nikola Tesla’s Alleged Involvement in Esoteric Practices


In this article, we explore the claims surrounding the legendary inventor Nikola Tesla and his purported secret involvement in esoteric practices. While Tesla’s contributions to science and technology are well-documented, some theories suggest that he may have delved into the occult and mysterious realms, adding a layer of intrigue to his already enigmatic persona. Let’s delve into the details and examine the evidence behind this intriguing notion.

Nikola Tesla, a brilliant mind of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, is renowned for his groundbreaking inventions and visionary ideas that laid the foundation for modern electrical systems. However, amidst his immense scientific achievements, certain speculations have emerged about Tesla’s potential connections to esoteric practices.

One aspect that fuels these claims is Tesla’s association with prominent figures known to dabble in esoteric knowledge. Among them was the famous occultist and magician, Aleister Crowley. While there is evidence of Crowley visiting Tesla in his lab, the exact nature of their discussions remains elusive and open to interpretation.

nikola tesla secret knowledge mysticism

Another point of interest revolves around Tesla’s fascination with ancient cultures and their mystical beliefs. Some believe that his interests in ancient Vedic texts and the concept of Akashic records might have steered him towards exploring the realms of esoteric knowledge.

Moreover, Tesla’s vivid imagination and unorthodox approach to scientific research have fueled the idea that he was receptive to unconventional ideas beyond the mainstream. This disposition has led some to theorize that he may have ventured into esoteric philosophies to seek inspiration and innovative insights.

Despite these intriguing connections and speculations, concrete evidence of Tesla’s active engagement in esoteric practices remains scarce. Many historians and researchers view these claims with skepticism, attributing them to the human tendency to romanticize and create legends around prominent figures.


Nikola Tesla’s life and legacy continue to captivate the world, with his contributions to science and technology shaping modern society. While some theories suggest a possible connection between Tesla and esoteric practices, it is essential to approach these claims with a critical eye. Without substantial evidence, the notion of Tesla’s deep involvement in the occult remains a subject of speculation and fascination, adding yet another layer of mystery to the enigmatic genius that was Nikola Tesla.

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