curiosities of nikola tesla

Discovering the Unusual Side of Nikola Tesla: Curiosities and Oddities

Perhaps the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Nikola Tesla is his contributions to science and engineering, like the Tesla coil or his work on alternating current. But did you know that there is a side to Tesla that many people are unaware of and that is full of curiosities and oddities? The lesser-known facets of Tesla’s life and work that highlight his eccentricities and distinctive viewpoints will be discussed in this article.

Pigeon obsession with Tesla

Tesla had an almost obsessional love for pigeons. He once proclaimed his love for pigeons to be greater than all other loves, and he even asserted that he once had a pigeon as a lover. He would frequently give them food, tend to the sick, and even design a special pigeon house with a sound system so they could hear music. Later in life, he developed a growing need for solitude and spent a lot of time tending to pigeons in his hotel room.

nikola tesla curiosities

Experiments by Tesla Using High-Frequency Sound Waves

Tesla was enthralled by the force of sound waves and the technological applications they might have. He experimented extensively with high-frequency sound waves, and among his creations were an ultrasonic submarine detector and a technique for wirelessly transmitting electricity using sound waves. He experimented with applying sound waves to his own ailments because he thought they could be used to heal the body.

Tesla’s Addiction to Walking

Despite his penchant for seclusion, Tesla loved to walk and believed that it was vital to staying healthy. He would frequently go on lengthy walks through the city or in the countryside, covering up to eight miles each day. He even asserted that while he was out for a walk, he had some of his best ideas.

Tesla’s Odd Food Preferences

Tesla was well known for his odd eating behaviors, one of which was that he would only consume food that could be divided by three. He would also fast for extended periods of time because he thought it helped him to focus and was more creative. Later in life, he developed a growing obsession with cleanliness and would only consume food that he had prepared himself.

Tesla’s Strange Sleeping Habits

Instead of sleeping through the night, Tesla had a distinctive sleeping pattern that involved taking several quick naps throughout the day. He insisted that doing so allowed him to use his time more effectively and productively, and many accomplished people have since started using this sleeping technique.


Nikola Tesla was a brilliant scientist and inventor who made numerous contributions to technology and revolutionized the field of electricity. But in addition to his ground-breaking work, Tesla also had a quirky side that revealed his distinct personality and worldview. Tesla’s life was full of oddities and curiosities, from his adoration of pigeons to his obsession with high-frequency sound waves, making him even more fascinating to study. We hope that this article has given you a new appreciation for Tesla’s brilliance and uniqueness and shed some light on this less well-known aspect of him.

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